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The God Concept

The God Concept
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Consciousness All That Is

Nothing can exist without consciousness, nothing

What are we conscious of?

Whatever we are conscious of creates an awareness

What are we aware of?

Are we aware of something yet not fully aware of the consciousness that creates the awareness?

This is the God concept

Since All is consciousness, wouldn’t it stand to reason that All That is, is consciousness itself?

Isn’t the concept of God to create rules and laws to do with understanding All That Is… Consciousness?

These rules and laws to understand God create the separation of our awareness to that which we seek… Conscious awareness of All That Is.

So, many Gods, so many deities, so many religions, so many paths, so many ways…

Yet All is simple

I am Consciousness experiencing awareness of my life in a human body and the limitations thereof of that experience.

When my awareness of my humanness is over, I return to the pure state of consciousness. ALL That Is

I Am one with All That Is

I remain as an eternal being of the Divine consciousness that only feels a separation because of focused awareness in my human experience.

We are All unique expressions of consciousness that express through our awareness our individuality and with empathy our divine unity.

We are All one as we are ALL sharing Consciousness that experiences life

Let’s All be aware of the consciousness that animates all experiences and the oneness of that…

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