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About our family

We are a true family in the sense we see no disconnection between each and every family member which includes our dogs.

We are one and in that unity we stand strong together knowing that we are a part of the divine and that we all are one.

Our family has known its hardships, sorrows, misfortunes, tragedies yet through it all we held onto the idea that perhaps the divine is always there.

We currently reside mid coast subtropical Queensland near the beach. We have moved many times from state to state trying to find that garden of Eden as we are aware that the environment reflects us. We love our place yet it has its challenges, its beauty and its potentials. Ultimately, our Garden of Eden is not a place but a feeling, and that feeling is within us and that’s what we are learning,

Every day we practice learning to love ourselves as only then can we truly love another and this love is a love that knows it can never be alone or separate from the divine that animates from our conscious direction.

We are beautiful people as the divine is beautiful and as this family recognizes beauty there is an unfoldment, a realization that only together can we expand, only together can we thrive, only together life can be beautiful.

We are scientists in a sense as we experiment with life, from electronics to gases, diets, water, air and so on, because all we see comes from the divine and how did the divine create the purest water, the healthiest air, the best diets, natural electromagnetic frequencies? We study this passionately.

Our research has spanned over a decade and we constantly ask the divine for more knowledge as true knowledge cannot be fearful but blissful so nothing is hidden when the heart desires the truth.

Our family is in a process of becoming as we are truly unlearning the old ways of disease, illness, corporation, competition, separation, apathy, fear, suppression and so forth.

Two adults, two children, three dogs and all the mayhem that goes with that, but in the distraction we share ourselves and in that sharing the only thing that matters is our connection to source energy and sharing that connection with all who are ready to listen.

Do we have all the answers to life?

No of course not, but it’s fun for us to study health, immortality, anti-aging, regeneration, natural beauty, fitness, home-schooling, restoring cars, gardening, horticulture, science, music, physics, cooking, nutrition, life, creating a community of like-minded people and the list seems endless as we enjoy all that life has to blissfully offer, but where’s the time? Life is a journey of unfoldment, realization, expression, creativity so the best topic we love to study is love – the Divine itself.

Life is an experience and when you learn to love the excellence you are then that’s worth sharing.

We are learning, growing, expanding.

We hope our family has inspired you.