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Follow your heart

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Your heart rings true and always has done; it is your faithful friend, it is your essence of being.

Yet too often we follow our head, filled with too many ideas borne of others.

But your heart lies there, waiting for you to return home.

When you ignore your heart, fear, sadness, turmoil, and grief permeates you… all borne from the negative ideas of others.

You are not the others. You are you.

Return home, return blissfully and surrender to your heart.

The world has become heartless, where there are too many who will profit from your head space, but none can profit from your heart.

The true heart is the blissful consciousness of all that is.

Within your heart, mankind is free again to just be.

Somewhere within you lies the seed of greatness just waiting to be watered, nurtured and loved.

This seed is the heart of the infinite which lies within the centre of your being.

Go forth and live your heart again, and within every heartbeat a brand new creation of love can, and will, endure forever.

Be the infinite you, and follow your heart not your head.

Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash

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