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Being thankful

Resonate with us

For every little beautiful thing, for every lovely event, for every joy and happiness that comes your way…

Be thankful.

Love the moment, cherish it, embrace it, acknowledge it, be it…

Life can grow and expand and become greater and more divine from the little seed of thankfulness, and from this seed grows a forest of love.

Being thankful concentrates your mind on the beauty and the love in such a way that you radiate happiness to others.

The world is a world of polarities… the dark, the light.

Thankfulness chooses love.

Love chooses the truth, that we are all a child of the divine.

Life changes when you do.

Appreciate all you are and all you can be.

And let all the unthankful moments disappear as you focus on being one with thankfulness, grace and love.

It’s your world, so choose to be thankful in it.

Your gift to the world is your appreciation of the world that you help to create, beautifully, in a spirit of


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