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In this life we are all meant to transition from a lower state to a higher one.

We are forever transitioning, nothing stays the same, every moment evolves…

Yesterday is gone…

Tomorrow will always be tomorrow.

Yet our moments transition from one moment to the next.

There is always a different story, a different experience, a different way.

Life can be spontaneous and joyous, if it is allowed, simply allowed to just be.

Nothings stays the same, everything transitions.

Yesterday’s regrets, tomorrow’s worries are all gone when you can live in that transitioning moment of the eternal now.

When one can transition to the absolute fascination of the moment, life takes on a dream-like quality. Life becomes a dream and in that dream we can dream different dreams not bound by the constraints of time.

There is always a way, there is always a truth, there is always a direction.

When we can forget the memories that bind us and rejoice in the memories that liberate us, then and only then, are we living in the true moment.

Take a moment to transition, as it is in your power to do so.

Move the story of your life over to a higher story, a better story, a more real story.

All facts are borne from fictions, and fictions can become facts.

Imagination gives birth to the fiction. Concentration on the fiction, as if it were real, gives life to the fiction.

Fiction can become fact as all begins with imagination.

Yet our fictions must be blissful fictions, as only a blissful fiction evolves, nurtures, and expands to the point of unconditional love.

We were all meant to transition to a higher state, a higher awareness, a higher love.

Take your moment, that point of power, dream a dream and let that dream become your blissful experience.

Transitioning into unconditional love.

Take time out to be the real you.

Photo used in this article was composed using various images: NJ Lechnir and Free-Photos from Pixabay 

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